A Healthy Burger Made with Love
Healthy Hamburger
Haha! You might think that’s an oxymoron, but it’s not. OK, the size of the burger is not meant for me, but rather for my son. But I did make one for myself as I do eat meat, as long as I know that it is sourced well. I buy only grass- fed beef and bison raised in nearby pastures from my local Co op. Beef that is grass fed doesn’t contain antibiotics, hormones, pesticides and other chemicals that are commonly used in commercial beef production where cows are locked in pens and fed a diet that isn’t natural. When cows eat a diet that contains grains that have been sprayed with pesticides, plus, added hormones, antibiotics, steroids and other supplements to help fatten them up, those chemicals go into the tissue of the cows and when they are slaughtered, guess what? You are eating what they ate, all the hormones, chemicals, antibiotics and genetically modified and engineered products. It is true that we are what we eat. I am not anti beef or anti red meat. In fact, our brains and our bodies need protein. Protein helps build muscle and strengthen bones. Red meat contains Vitamin B12 which is good for the blood and the nervous system. Meat from grass fed cows also contains essential fatty acids that help your body to utilize minerals. I enjoy a good hamburger, a rich stew, and slow cooked brisket and chuck roast, especially in the winter months when my body wants heavier, warming foods. But the meat must be impeccably sourced and clean because that is going into my body.